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What the parents really think - a guest blog post!
Est 2009

What the parents really think - a guest blog post!


We were delighted to hear that one of our parents published a candid post about her family’s experiences of Woodland Outdoor Kindergartens on her own blog site - Babble Rock.


Babble Rock is the website and Facebook community of a group of Scotland-based folk with children of all ages, who love to enjoy the outdoors with like-minded friends. We camp, hike, hillwalk, kayak, cycle, and climb rocks with our kids, because we believe that children cannot bounce off the walls if you take away the walls!”


The blog post was published late last year, and with Fibie’s permission we thought you might like to read it:




Babble Rock also have a Facebook group and are on Instagram

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Education Scotland Glasgow City Council Care Inspectorate Scottish Social Services Council Early Years Scotland Living Wage Scotland Three Best Rated